First day of Class By Anders B.Lausund

Foundations Of Digital Media
First day of class

My Name is Anders B.Lausund I am a junior at the University of Tampa majoring in Advertising and public relations. Originally from Norway I moved to Tampa in 2015, originally to get my bachelors in International Marketing. However, after two semesters I changed my major to Advertising and public relations. in the future I want to work within the marketing and advertising business. Doing fitness related posts through Instagram, and have been in photo shoots and workout videos I quickly found out that my skills in being creative would benefit me strongly in my chosen career path. 

My thought before my first class in Foundations of Digital media was unclear. This because I was not sure what to expect from the course. I knew we would work with Photoshop but not much more. 
After Professor Tortorelli explained what the semester will consist off my thoughts where clearer.

I knew that the course would help me a lot for my future business plans, It will require a lot of work to do well in this course, which I am motivated to do.  


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